Wednesday, September 15, 2010

4 Months

Dear Sophie,

You're 4 months old today, and, as usual, I didn't remember until late in the afternoon when your nanny mentioned it. So, sorry. I will make up for it on your real birthdays.

Last week was hell week for me, so my milk production suffered. By Wednesday we were on a one bottle a night output. In the morning I was pumping every two hours with really small output and on Sunday I decided to take you to your 4th month check up early to get Dr. Yatcos formula recommendation.

At the clinic we did get the recommendation, as well as instructions on solid feeding. and your shots, which I was better prepared for this time. By prepared for I mean I did not cry with you.

After the trip to the doctor, formula name on hand, we went to SM Southmall to get you a few items. Your lola wasn't too happy with my choice of mall but seriously, there is no better option in the south for variety. I looked at bathtubs because you have just about outgrown yours and am still undecided on what to get. I'm just not ready to let you soak in water just yet, and you're not ready to sit on your own.

There wasn't much option, as most involved a similar tub with what we have, or one that required you to be sitting, so we ended up not getting you one just yet.

Anywaay. Solid Food. This actually saved us, because after mom fed you your very first meal (osterized Pinakbet gulay) you slept very soundly and did not wake up to drink milk, so all four milk was intact until I came home Tuesday morning with my 3 bottles from the nights pumping sessions. We are now back in business (again) and I am pumping more religiously. That you almost were mixed fed is a scare I will not relive again.

You seem to be enjoying your new diet, and I am happy to report that you are even heavier than most babies 2 months older than you :D

So I must be doing something right, eh?

Today I realized something else, you like to sleep on your side, facing me.

after your shot. You were screaminnnng.

1 comment:

  1. haha... very good sis for following my advice and documenting :) I swear, you will also see how much YOU are growing up :)
