Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fathers Day


Unless I find someone who I think is perfect, my dad will be the only dad you will have. And the barrage of titos you have.

This is your lolo

I am not sure of what to tell you when you ask. But please know this. You have a lot of blessings, and many more will come your way. I pray every day that you will focus on the positive aspects of your life and will be accepting of the one thing you may not have. I say "may" because I might still decide to get married.

Friday, June 24, 2011


So you had your first major fall. One minute you  were walking and the next you were falling flat on your nose - on the bed. the bed frame. It has been a few days since the accident, and the red mark is no longer visible, but my blood pressure still goes up every time I remember.

You cried really hard for about five minutes, and I called your doctor - and he said the only thing we needed to do was to calm down, and later on ice your nose. No need for the ER.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My favorite toy

I love this gate. I searched high and low to find a local supplier and had asked a ninong for it when I ran into budget constraints. It is everything I hoped it would be. We didn’t get it brand new, so the attachments (the ‘package’, the flower, the key and the balls) are no longer there, but everything still worked. I especially love the doorbell and the lights.