Thursday, May 26, 2011

Borrowing a line

You... complete me :) I cant put into words all that you are, and all that I feel for you. You are amazing, and if I have to be a greater person to ensure that you will have a great life, I will

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Sophie

Your first birthday. You can walk now, wobble a little, really, but you grow more and more confident everyday.Pretty soon you will be making us run after you.

Your birthday was a big success, at least from where I'm sitting. You had a great time, what with all our friends going gaga over you. Im already excited about next year, when you would know more about what's going on and the celebration will actually stay with you.

Lady Bug

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ladybug DIY party

SO I just had to choose the most uncommercial theme for your birthday party. Lady bug. The cake was easy, and it was the easiest to come up with. By luck I stumbled upon your coat. Now the party hats, and the loot bag, and the streamers, disasters. Can I just cry now? of course not.

So I am making these.