Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Dear Sophia,

You've started nursing directly again :) I do have to trick you a little and wait until you're sleepy before I give it. But at least you're nursing again.

There's a lesson to be learned here.

When I first found out that you preferred the bottle, I was fine with it, until I realized that we won't have that cute face to face moment when you nurse, and then I decided not to allow that.

This face

So I insisted on giving you my breast instead of the bottle, and you'd cry and cry and scream and cry. Which broke my heart. We'd fight about it but it was a fight I never won because always in the end, I would give in and give you the bottle. It was like I was making you cry for nothing.

Once I actually asked your yaya Letty to leave the room because she kept telling me that we should give you the bottle because you were already so agitated. Which I already knew. As soon as she left I locked the door and gave you the bottle, and of course you stopped. A few seconds later you closed your eyes and I decided to try again then. It worked. So that was the last time we fought.

So anyway, back to the lesson.

You will not always get your way. It's important that you learn how to make things work for you.

(Kuya Sean doesn't eat gulay, but he must, so we taught him to hide his gulay in the other ulam so he doesn't taste it)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nipple Confusion

You don't like to nurse directly :( You now prefer to drink from the bottle. How sad is that? Very. But it's ok. At least I can now measure your milk intake. But it sucks because I'm going to need a better pump. Well maybe not.

Friday I pumped at my station. It was awkward, but doable. I pumped a lot because I was doing other things too and wasn't watching the time. I pumped 4 in 2 sessions. I'm bringing a better cover tomorrow, and I will figure out how to pump 8 bottles a night.


I will not give up. You will be 100% breastmilk

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We love ninang Rose! Sabi nga naman nila, Ask and you shall receive! I've been looking around for an affordable swing because I just know that you're going to like it. I was about to give up and shell out the money (or not) when your Ninang Rose said she has one, and she was going to let us BORROW it. Borrow! No payment, no tambak when you're done!!! Super Happy!!!

And I was right, you are enjoying it! The swing is usually used to put babies to sleep but with you - it kept you up. You liked the feeling of swinging - without stopping. I think you kept waiting for the stop (which usually means my arms are tired swinging your carrier) and you looked extremely excited when you realized there never has to be a 'rest stop'!

So love Ninang Rose more we do!

Running Low

Just a few weeks ago I was panicking because we were running out of space in the fridge for your milk. And now, because I've been procrastinating...

Rows of empty milk containers. You consume 4 4ounce bottles at night. Of late I've been pumping just two at work. But not today. Today I made an effort and pumped 4. I will go back to my pumping schedule to create more supply and pumping I will do more often now.


YAY! You can thumbsuck!

*When I arrived home you were still in bed and I got to sleep next to you. I love waking up with you. :*

Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Quarter

It's been three months. Today is your 3rdmonth birthday. And Im not in my writing mood. SO here goes

Things I should've blogged about but didn't:
1. Your binyag. Photos are in fb.
2. Your new toys
3. Your new clothes.

Your Milestones:
1. Lift your head
2. Turn to your side
3. Smile a lot

I really should write some more, but im sleepy and will edit this in the morn