Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dear Sophie,

You sleep with your grandparents on weekdays and with me on weekends. You like to cuddle and snuggle and often your hand holds my arm with your feet draped over my side. It is quite a feat for your short legs because I, very big :P

I wonder how this will be for you in the long run. I can only sleep alone when Im surrounded by pillows.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ninong Ton

Ton Ton Piamonte

We go way back, so far back that we went to both his junior and senior prom together.He was also my constant companion during our pregnancy, and up to this day when I want to go out Ninong Ton is our buddy of choice.

He is a family friend, our moms are friends, how that happened I don't know.

We usually hang out weekends and we love trying out new restos in BF. Our current goal, foodwise, is to complete all 21 dishes of 21plates.


Saying you have curly hair doesn't even begin to describe that amazing wildness you have on your head. It's curly, yes. And it curls in all direction.

You were born with very little hair, when it started to grow it was concentrated on one side - and we thought you only had one puyo then 

 That hair was at 4 months. Now at 9 months, you have 3 puyos, and everything is growing in different directions.