Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Dear Sophie,
My operation is a day away, and I am very nervous about this. There was an earthquake yesterday and I worry about one happening while the doctors are operating. What if I die? I am sure you will be ok after missing me for awhile. You will definitely wonder where I've gone. I am not ready to die yet. I am so afraid.
. You are to never meet with your father. I will haunt anyone, my sister included, if they so much as make him see you.

. You are to eventually be with your Ninang Kathy, my cousin. She doesn't know it yet, but she will be a great mother someday.

I am so afraid. But God's Will be done, and I can only ask that it be that I am to live on for years and years more so we can be together.

I am sorry I didn't get to pick the right father for you, and I'm sorry you don't already have one yet. I don't really see the rush, you are too young to understand, and Dad is enough right now. I am hoping I will be given more chance to finding one, and already we've discarded a few candidates for lack of emotions on my part.

I am babbling, but that is because I am very worried. It's like a dark cloud following me everywhere I go.

Have I told you yet today how much I love you?

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