Saturday, November 6, 2010


Dear Sophie,

You have a new crib. At first I was very sad about it, because I  was afraid you would just get scared and would feel lonely, but after a few days I realized you sleep better there, what with no one bugging you every time you move, adjusting your head, your legs or whatever. You actually sleep longer too.

I never would've considered getting a crib. We co sleep and that's that. But lolo was getting sleep deprived sleeping next to you because every time you moved, he would wake up and end up looking and staring at you for hours. Mom and I were skeptical at first about him being able to take you sleeping so far away (the crib is on lola's side of the bed) but apparently, he's ok. So far.

So here's how it goes, Weekdays you sleep in a crib, weekends you sleep beside me.

And I'm really happy with that.

Love you

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